
Showing posts from August, 2013

Talama Ashku Gharam - As Long As I Protest My Love For You Uploaded on  Apr 15, 2010 Talama Ashku Gharami - As Long As I Protest My Love For You Qasidah with Lyrics and Translation. A wonderful and very famous arabic qasidah/ nasheed brought to you with lyrics and translation. Sorry about the slideshow as the slides begin to slow down and are not in sync with the track as the clip plays on. TALAMA ASHKU GHARAMI Hadha qalbi Ya Ilahi, Hadha qalbi Ya Ilahi Hadhi hi ruhi Ya Ilahi, Hadhi hi ruhi Ya Ilahi Yuhibuka Ya Rab, Yuhibuka Ya Rab Wa yuhibu nabiyakal kareem Chorus: Talama ashku gharami ya nural wujood Talama ashku gharami ya nural wujood Wa unadi ya tihami ya madinal jud Mun yati aksa marami ahza bish-shuhood Mun yati aksa marami ahza bish-shuhood Wa ara babas-salaami ya zakil judood Chorus Ya tirazal kawni inni aashiq mustahaam Mugramun wal madhu fani ya badrat-tamaam Chorus Isrifil aa raada anni adnanil ghraam Isrifil aa raada anni adnanil ghraam ...

Goodness to parents

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud RA said: “I asked the Prophet SAWS, ‘Which deed is most liked by Allah SWT?’  He said, ‘Prayer offered on time.’ I asked him, ‘Then what?’ He said, ‘Kindness and respect towards parents.’ I asked him, ‘Then what?’ He said, ‘Jihad for the sake of Allah  SWT.’”  Doing this opens the biggest door to Paradise and is one of the best of all righteous deeds you can imagine. Not doing it is major sin. It is one of the unparalleled beauties of Islam. Strangely enough it is one of our most neglected deeds. What is it? It is  birr al-walidayn , respect and kindness towards parents— one of the most productive deeds you can ever do in Islam! Back to Basics: Why Are You Here Again? You see some people, always in the masjid, busy with activities in the community, sadaqah, reading the  Quran , but they have forgotten about their parents. They hardly ever visit them. Or you have young brothers and sisters, busy studying Islamic knowledge, yet who...

Tips Agar Segera Naik Haji

Haji, rukun islam kelima kita, adalah salah satu ibadah yang menjadi impian banyak muslim. Ibadah yang begitu membekas dan bermakna bagi mukmin yang bersungguh-sungguh menjalankannya. Nilai pahalanya pun juga luar biasa besar di sisi Allah. Wajar jika tidak semua orang mampu segera melaksanakannya. Berikut adalah tips-tips agar insya Allah dapat segera naik haji berdasarkan beberapa sumber dari ustadz kita. Berniat kuat (ber-azzam) untuk melaksanakan haji. Azzam berarti kebulatan tekad, tidak hanya sekedar niat yang diucapkan di mulut atau ‘numpang’ lewat di pikiran atau hati saja. Pelajari cara-cara melakukan ibadah haji (manasik haji). Pengetahuan yang benar akan memperkuat niat dan keinginan kita untuk segera melaksanakannya. Perbanyak berdoa dan panjatkanlah secara rutin setiap saat, misalkan setiap selesai sholat fardhu maupun sunnah. Jangan lupa doakan selalu orang tua kita. Ingatlah bahwa anak yang sholeh sangat dicintai Allah sehingga insya Allah akan dimudahkan-Nya d...

Love and correspondence before marriage

Correspondence between the sexes is not permissible, because that provokes temptation and usually results in evil. If a man corresponds with a non-mahram woman in letters that are not seen by anyone else, that leads to many evils. Islam forbids a woman to be alone with a man who is not her mahram because of the fitnah (temptation) and bad things that result from that, such as attachment and the desire to look and touch, etc. All of this results from the man talking to the woman in these private letters or conversations, especially if they are young and at an age when desire is strong.  Shaykh Ibn Jibreen (may Allaah preserve him) was asked: What is the ruling on correspondence between young men and young women, if this correspondence is free from immorality, love and desire?  He replied: It is not permissible for any person to correspond with a woman who is not his mahram, because of the temptation involved in that. The person may think that there is no temptation, bu...

Lagi isu hutang negara..

Rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya Melayu-Islam mesti lebih sensitif terhadap situasi ekonomi dan isu hutang negara Kurangnya reaksi dan kesensitifan rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya orang Melayu-Islam terhadap isu-isu mengenai situasi ekonomi dan isu hutang negara melahirkan kebimbangan. Perkara itu amat ketara melihat ramai yang tidak mengambil kisah mengenai semakan terbaru penarafan kredit dunia, Fitch Ratings yang meletakkan Malaysia pada kedudukan negatif, satu amaran yang amat membimbangkan kewangan negara. Paling menyedihkan ialah apabila didapati pandangan orang Melayu-Islam terhadap situasi ekonomi telah disempitkan kepada pengukuran pada “kemampuan” kerajaan memberikan bonus, BR1M dan menabur janji di waktu pilihan raya. Ini bukanlah ukuran kekuatan ekonomi negara, dan orang Melayu-Islam perlu sedar segalanya memerlukan sumber untuk membayarnya. Kesihatan ekonomi negara juga perlu dilihat dari sudut hutang negara, yang kini menghadapi tahap maksima 55 peratus daripada Keluaran Dalam N...