Talama Ashku Gharam - As Long As I Protest My Love For You


Uploaded on Apr 15, 2010
Talama Ashku Gharami - As Long As I Protest My Love For You Qasidah with Lyrics and Translation.

A wonderful and very famous arabic qasidah/ nasheed brought to you with lyrics and translation. Sorry about the slideshow as the slides begin to slow down and are not in sync with the track as the clip plays on.


Hadha qalbi Ya Ilahi, Hadha qalbi Ya Ilahi
Hadhi hi ruhi Ya Ilahi, Hadhi hi ruhi Ya Ilahi
Yuhibuka Ya Rab, Yuhibuka Ya Rab
Wa yuhibu nabiyakal kareem

Talama ashku gharami ya nural wujood
Talama ashku gharami ya nural wujood
Wa unadi ya tihami ya madinal jud

Mun yati aksa marami ahza bish-shuhood
Mun yati aksa marami ahza bish-shuhood
Wa ara babas-salaami ya zakil judood


Ya tirazal kawni inni aashiq mustahaam
Mugramun wal madhu fani ya badrat-tamaam


Isrifil aa raada anni adnanil ghraam
Isrifil aa raada anni adnanil ghraam
Fiqa qad ahsantu zanni ya samil uhood


Ya sirajal ambiyaa-i ya aalil janaab
Ya sirajal ambiyaa-i ya aalil janaab
Ya imaamal atqiyaa-i inna qalbi zaab


Wa alaykal-lahu salla Rabbi zul jalaal
Wa alaykal-lahu salla Rabbi zul jalaal
Yakfi ya nural ahillah inna hajri taal
Yakfi ya nural ahillah inna hajri taal


Allah Hu Allah (repeat)

The Translation.

TALAMA ASHKU GHARAMI - As long as i protest my love to you

ya Allah this is my heart, ya Allah this is my heart
ya allah This is my soul, ya allah This is my soul
ya allah they both Love you
and Love your greatest prophet

as long as i protest my love to you,O' the light of existance.
and i keep Calling O' tihami(prophet Mohammed), the kind,
the generous.
and i keep Calling O' tihami(prophet Mohammed), the kind,
the generous.


My hope, The utmost aim is that i have the
witnesses in the judgment day
My hope, The utmost aim is that i have the
witnesses in the judgment day

and see AL SALAM Gate in my own eyes O' Allah who guided our grandfathers to Islam

O' my Brothers, iam a lover, iam An infatuated.
O' my Brothers, iam a lover, iam An infatuated.

A criminal in it, and the praise mortal.

O' Israfil (Angel) what a Death, The love exhausted me.
O' Israfil what a Death, The love exhausted me.

In you a suffering has mastered O' Loyal of the promises.

O the prophets lamp, O' O a high-ranking (ya Mohammed).
O the prophets lamp, O' O a high-ranking (ya MOhammed).

O' Devouts Leader, My heart has dissolved.

Allah with the magnificence invoked peace upon you.
Allah with the magnificence invoked peace upon you.

O' the light of existance ya Allah, My abandonment lengthened.
O' the light of existance ya Allah, My abandonment lengthened.

ALLAH O' ALLAH (repeat)


*Tihami: he is the Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him, because he was born in Makkah, and Makkah is In region Called Tihama

*Israfil: the Angel who blows in the trumpet to declare a judgment day by Allah's command.


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